The Reform of the EU Transparency Register


  • Kim Fyhr Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland


This paper looks at the latest reform of the EU Transparency Register (TR). I will approach the negotiations on the TR from the angle of the legislative process and will focus in particular on the life cycle of the TR proposal all the way from its preparatory phase within the Commission until the trilogue negotiations and the adoption of the TR package. I will be arguing that peer pressure between EU institutions had a significant impact on the negotiations. Furthermore, peer pressure inside EU institutions was also important. The final outcome of the TR will be analysed with regard to the effectiveness and added value of the TR interinstitutional agreement and the accompanying legal and political instruments. Solutions aimed at increasing transparency will be discussed in terms of their practical effect on EU institutions, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. The findings of this paper suggest that the achieved compromise provides added value to the TR regime of the EU. Moreover, the compromise has contributed to transforming the EU TR towards a hybrid transparency system consisting of elements of a different nature. Finally, I will conclude by discussing the future prospects of developing the EU TR regime.

Keywords: EU law, transparency, transparency register, lobbying, interinstitutional agreements.



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Suggested citation: K Fyhr, ‘The Reform of the EU Transparency Register’ (2021) 17 CYELP 177.




How to Cite

Fyhr, K. (2021). The Reform of the EU Transparency Register. Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 17(2021), 177–202. Retrieved from


