About the Journal
The Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal specialising in EU law and policy. It seeks to advance academic scholarship and postgraduate education, develop European and regional academic networking, create professional opportunities for law academics, and promote academic reflection on European law and European values. The specific angle of the Yearbook aims to be critical, realistic and multidisciplinary. The editors recognise that significant answers to legal questions can be found only in a wider political, economic and social context. The editors welcome contributions on a wide range of European topics.
Submission of Manuscripts
CYELP publishes articles, notes, reports, comments, book reviews, editorial notes and editorial comments.
CYELP does not charge article processing or submission fees. All manuscripts should be submitted online at www.cyelp.com (through the ‘Open Journal Systems’ software). Authors should follow the submission instructions provided on the specified website. These instructions relate particularly to the submission’s prior publication, layout, citation system, and methods of ensuring the anonymity of the review process. By submitting their manuscripts to CYELP, authors confirm that their articles represent original work, and have not been previously or simultaneously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
All published articles, notes and comments are subject to a blind double peer-review procedure. According to the Croatian Classification System, contributions published as ‘articles’ are designated as ‘izvorni znanstveni rad’, and those published as ‘comments’, ‘reports’ and ‘notes’ are designated as ‘pregledni znanstveni rad’.
Licence and Copyright
All manuscripts published in CYELP are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution − Non-Commercial − No Derivatives 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy and redistribute their work in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.
For all manuscripts published in CYELP, the copyright remains with the author(s). This means that the author(s) grant the right of first publication to the Yearbook, while retaining the copyright to their manuscripts (accepted for publication or published in CYELP), and may republish these, in full or in part, in other publications, books or materials. However, the following conditions should be met:
- the manuscript is published open access;
- when reusing the manuscript, the original source of publication must be properly acknowledged and referenced;
- the manuscript remains published by CYELP on its website;
- the manuscript is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution − Non Commercial − No Derivatives 4.0 International License.
Ethical and Malpractice Statement
All parties involved in the publication process, i.e. editors, authors and reviewers, observe rules and standards regarding publication ethics defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All cases of suspected or alleged research or publication misconduct (plagiarism, fraudulence) are dealt with by the Editorial Board in line with the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors.
CYELP uses PlagScan software to detect plagiarism in order to help ensure only original work is published.
Subscription Information
Volume price: EUR 50 for Europe, EUR 60 for other countries. Student price: EUR 25.
Subscription orders should be sent to the Editorial Board:
- Department for European Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
- Ćirilometodska 4, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia)
- Email: cyelp@pravo.hr
- Fax: +385 1/4895-702
CYELP Newsletter
Click here to subscribe to CYELP newsletter.
CYELP is available in electronic format through:
- HeinOnline – Foreign & International Law Resources Database
- Hrčak
- The Judicial View
CYELP is indexed in:
- WoS–ESCI (Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index)
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- Scopus
- European Sources Online (ESO)
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- PAIS International
- GESIS SocioGuide
- Hrčak
CYELP is financially supported by
- University of Zagreb − Faculty of Law
- Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia
- EU Erasmus+ Project